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Chandelier Design Examples      Table/Floor Lamp Design Examples      Fixture Examples

When you first see Connie Sweet's work, you are taken by what seems to be an explosion of brilliant illuminating color that grabs the viewer and draws them closer. It's as if seeing a painting literally lit from within. Upon closer inspection, you see the intricate detail and shadowing, layer of color over color, rendering the subject three dimensional.

Close Photo of Hand over Detailed artwork.

An award-winning artist during the 80's in Alaska, Connie's brush fell still for ten years as a result of personal tradgedy. Inspired to paint again by the beauty of turn of the century lamp shades by Pairpoint and Handel, she struggled for five years unlocking the secrets of reverse painting on glass. Although most noted for her depiction of nature, Connie's technique varies from fantasy to realism in any subject matter imaginable. Most of the pendant chandeliers are custom ordered and reflect a collaboration of Connie's talent and the personal interests of her clients.

From a distance, the reverse painting on pendant chandeliers by Connie Sweet offers the appearance of brilliant hues, yet upon closer inspection, yields the intricate details of color and subject matter.
Picture of C. Sweet working.